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Call for Abstracts

The CFDE Steering Committee invites you to submit an abstract of your scientific research or technical work to be considered for a poster or oral presentation during the CFDE meeting, April 4-5, 2023 at the Bethesda Hotel.

Abstracts can be of a scientific or technical nature. Abstracts should provide clear data and validated conclusions. They should consist of an introduction that presents the background and rationale of the study or work, a brief description of the methods employed, a summary of the results, and a statement of the conclusions, best practices, or lessons learned.

Because this meeting is a confidential, internal "study" meeting, abstracts submitted to other national/international conferences are eligible and welcomed for co-submission.

Poster Size and Layout

Poster boards are 6 ft wide x 4 ft high. Posters can be in portrait or landscape mode but should not excede the poster stand dimensions. Space for posters and time for presentations will be limited. If the organizers of the CFDE meeting receive more abstracts than there is available space, priority will be given to those abstracts that were submitted in a timely fashion and that provide all the information that is requested. We will also be selecting a small subset of poster presenters to give brief lightning-style talks at the start of the poster session (2 min or less).


The poster reception taking place in the afternoon of Tuesday, April 4th.

The CFDE will confirm poster and oral presentation assignments with the presenting authors by March 28, 2023.

Abstract Submission Form

Please fill out this form to submit your sbtract.