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The Fall 2022 NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem Meeting November 8-9, 2022

The Fall 2022 NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem Program Meeting was an opportunity to review progress over the past year and discuss strategic issues that impact the ecosystem as a whole. This event took place in The Churchill Hotel near Embassy Row at 1914 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20009.

Meeting Outputs


Tuesday, November 8

Time Topic Presenter Links
9:00 am Welcome and Logistics Titus Brown
9:10 am NIH Remarks Elizabeth Wilder, George Papanicolaou
9:30 am Overview of Y3 Partnership Efforts Playbook: Avi Ma’ayan
RNA-Seq: Kristin Ardlie
Data Distillery: Jonathan Silverstein
Variant: Aleks Milosavljevic
CLOVoc: Srini Ramachandran
10:30 am Morning Break
11:00 am Use Cases Matt Roth Notes
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Training Raja Mazumder Notes, Spreadsheet
3:00 pm Afternoon Break
3:30 pm Outreach Kristin Ardlie Notes
5:00 pm End
6:00 pm Group Dinner Sign-up

Wednesday, November 9

Time Topic Presenter Links
9:00 am Data-Intensive CF Programs MoTrPAC: Matthew Wheeler
B2AI: Grace Peng and Monica Munoz-Torres
A2CPS: Martin Lindquist
ComPASS: Nadra Tyus
NPH: Kate Burdekin
10:30 am Morning Break
11:00 am What Does It Mean to Align/Engage with CFDE? Owen White Notes, Spreedsheet
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Open Platform Discussion Aleks Milosavljevic and Adam Resnick Notes
3:00 pm Wrap Up and Next Steps George Papanicolaou
3:15 pm End


The safety of CFDE attendees is a top priority. Attendees are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are strongly encouraged to follow these COVID-19 precautions.

Information for Presenters

Though primarily an in-person meeting, all presentations will be delivered in a hybrid format to accommodate remote participation. Speakers must use the hotel-provided laptop for presentations. Please upload your presentation to Google Drive or a USB drive by Monday, November 7. The hotel room will be set up with multiple screens as well as audio input and output to facilitate discussion with remote participants.


Please use the #2022-nov-meeting slack channel for general discussions and inquiries or contact the CFDE helpdesk at